Onderstaand een literatuurlijst welke Sjaak Boone heeft gebruikt bij het schrijven van zijn artikelen voor PHT:
Augé, Marc , “Paris Années 30 Roger-Viollet”, Parijs, 1996
Beaver, Patrick, “The Chrystal Palace”, Londen, 1970;
Boisjoly, Francois, Répertoire des Photographes Parisiens du XIXe siècle”, Parijs, 2009;
Boom, Mattie, “Een waarlijk volkomen begoocheling, stereofotografie in Nederland“, in Jong Holland, nr 3, 1986;
Boom, Mattie & Rooseboom, Hans (red), “Een nieuwe kunst“, Amsterdam, 1996;
Boone, Sjaak, “Informatiebeveiliging in metaforen“, Den Haag, 1998;
Brenni, Paolo, “19th century French Scientific Instrument makers XIII: Soleil, Duboscq and their successors”, in Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society, no 51, 1996;
Christ Yvan, “La vie familière sous le Second Empire”, Parijs, 1977;
Dahlberg, Laurie, “Victor Regnault and the advance of Photography”, 2005, New Jersey;
Darrah, William Culp, “The world of stereographs”, Gettysburg, 1977;
Demey, Chloe (ed), “Pyrénées en images, de l’oeil à l’ objectif 1820-1860”, Parijs, 1995;
Dimond, Francis & Taylor, Roger, “Crown & Camera, the Royal family and Photography 1842-1910”, Londen 1987,
Div auteurs, “Paris en 3D, Parijs, 2000;
Div auteurs, “Encyclopaedia of the Magic Lantern”, Londen, 2001;
Gernsheim,Helmut, “The origins of Photography”, Londen, 1982;
Haaften, Julia van, “From Talbot to Stieglitz”, New York, 1982;
Haworth-Booth, Mark, “Photography, An Independent Art“, Londen, 1997;
Hecht, Hermann, “Pre-Cinema History”, Londen, 1993;
Malcolm Daniel. “The Photographs of Edouard Baldus” New York, 1994;
Miquel, Pierre, “Le second Empire”, Parijs, 1999;
Morrison-Low, A.D. and Christie J.R. (ed) ”Martyr of Science’, Sir David Brewster 1781-1868”, Edinburgh, 1984
Mulligan, Therese & Wooters, David. ”Photography from 1839 to today: George Eastman House, Rochester, NY” Keulen, 1999;
Naef, Weston J. ea, “Regards sur la Photographie en France au XIXe siècle”, Parijs, 1980;
Nazarieff, Serge, “Early Erotic Photography”, Keulen,1993;
Norton, Russell , “Preliminary Checklist of French Stereo Card Photographers and Publishers” in
The Photographic Collector vol 5 nr 3;
Pellerin, Denis, “La photographie stéréoscopique sous le second empire” , Parijs, 1995;
Perez, Nissan N., “Focus East”, Jerusalem, 1988
Reid T.W., “Memoirs and Correspondence of Lyon Playfair”, Jemimaville, 1976;
Rogers, Malcolm, “Camera Portraits”, Londen, 1989:
Royal Scottish Museum, “Martyr of Science, Sir David Brewster 1781 - 1868”, Edinburgh, 1984;
Schaaf, Larry J. , “Out of the shadows, Herschel, Talbot & the invention of photography”, 1992, New Haven;
Trachtenberg, Alan, “Classic Essays on Photography”, New Haven, 1980;
Vries, Leonard de, “Nederland 1857-1920 gezien door de stereoscoop”, Den Haag, 1989;
Vries, Leonard de, “Panorama 1842-1865”, Londen, 1969;
Weintraub, Stanley; “Albert, uncrowned king”,Londen, 1997;
Wade, Nicholas J. ; “Brewster and Wheatstone on vision”; Londen, 1983;
Woodham-Smith Cecil, “Queen Victoria, her life and times 1819-1861”, Londen, 1972;